Your contribution is key
This project is intended as an open access educational series and for that reason, we are building a financial strategy that brings sponsors through fundraising campaigns and grants to enable robust social media promotion and gain long term financial stability. This is a labor of love and we hope you can help us continue to discover the best ways to implement our dream.
We will soon organize a crowdfunding campaign, in the meantime, if you want to contribute with a donation, please contact us. There are many ways you can help: by giving us your opinion, suggestions, and any input you think may advance our mission to turn this initiative into a sustainable ongoing endeavor and expand it into a nurturing platform for children and their loved ones. Spread the word, subscribe to our YouTube channel, tell the kids in your life that this is available to them.
We want to thank artist and writer Luz Fernández de Castillo, Director of LF Ediciones and President of Fundación Alfonso y Luz Castillo for her contributions which were instrumental in the implementation of our social media presence and the launching of the series. Presently, we are finishing the first season in Spanish and we are editing the second season coming in August, 2022. Let's get our engines roaring!